
Firekim’s creative and progressive technology makes “products that save lives.”
We protect our future life and culture through innovative products
and contribute to happy, healthy daily lives through creative ideas.


We make products
that save human lives.

Since its founding in 2016, Firekim Co., Ltd. has been proposing new possibilities in the firefighting safety industry and achieving innovative growth.

We believe that our “customer-oriented management,” which puts customer trust above all else, and our efforts to develop a higher level of firefighting safety products than those paid for by our customers serve as the driving force behind Firekim Co., Ltd. As a manufacturer of firefighting safety products, we will add healthy ideas to our lives and push back the boundaries of firefighting products to step into developing next-generation firefighting safety platforms; thus striving to create a safe world anytime, anywhere.

  • Customer-centered
    고객중심 경영
  • Fire Safety Platform
    차세대 소방 안전 플랫폼 개발
  • A safe world
    anytime, anywhere
    언제 어디서나 안전한 세상

company profile

  • Company name

    Firekim ES Co.,Ltd
  • CEO

    Byung-Yul Kim
  • Homepage
  • Founded on

    December 9 st, 2014
  • Headquarters & Factory

    (28132) 33, Sinpyeongjungsin-gil Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do
  • Contact

    Tel : 043-215-5435 Fax : 043-216-5435
  • E-mail